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Scottish hospitality faces regulatory challenges amid visitor levy and cup charge plans

Published:  05 September, 2024

Scotland's hospitality sector is bracing for the impact of new regulations outlined in the Scottish government's Programme for Government 2024-25, including a visitor levy and a proposed 25p charge on single-use cups, which includes plastic beer cups.


Edinburgh visitor levy scheme draft sparks mixed reactions

Published:  16 August, 2024

A draft scheme ahead of the Policy and Sustainability Committee meeting on 22 August proposes a visitor levy in Edinburgh, allowing accommodation providers to retain 2.5% of the proceeds to cover their costs. The visitor levy, a fee imposed on overnight stays, is intended to raise funds for local services and tourism-related projects. UKHospitality Scotland supports this measure, emphasising that it is vital to prevent the levy from hindering investment, economic growth and job creation in the sector.


Edinburgh festivals boost city’s hospitality sector

Published:  05 August, 2024

Nearly 250,000 people attended the Edinburgh Fringe and other festivals last year, resulting in a 30% increase in average daily sales for hospitality venues in the city compared to the rest of the year.


Visitor Levy in Scotland delayed until 2026 at the earliest

Published:  30 May, 2024

The Visitor Levy Bill, passed on Tuesday (28 June) by the Scottish Parliament, concludes a decade-long debate on whether councils should have the authority to introduce a visitor levy or tourist tax. The Bill empowers councils to consider and potentially implement such a levy, although it won't come into effect until 2026 at the earliest.


Scottish pubs £15k worse off than English equivalents

Published:  24 January, 2024

New analysis by UKHospitality Scotland has revealed the financial disparity between sites in England and Scotland following the Scottish government's decision not to implement business rates support this year for venues. 


Scottish hospitality businesses ‘hang in the balance’ without government support

Published:  18 December, 2023

New analysis has revealed that thousands of Scottish hospitality businesses will be left unsupported if a rates relief isn’t included in the Scottish Budget tomorrow (19 December).


Tackling throwaway culture in the drinks trade

Published:  02 September, 2022

With Scotland announcing it will be going ahead with the introduction of its deposit return scheme (DRS) next year, on-trade operators have been voicing their concerns and identifying some potential pitfalls. England, Wales and Northern Ireland are also set to introduce their own schemes in 2024, so operators there will also have an eye on how it goes north of the border.